
Welcome to (BETA) is a platform purposely built to house original public policy papers, essays, and data-driven research on matters related to Kuwait’s economy. Our primary goal is to support authors and scholars by attracting a wider readership for their work. Our secondary goal is to build a library of quality home-grown intellectual and academic papers that advance and deepen the discussion on fiscal, economic, and business issues. is neither politically driven nor funded. We are simply a gateway for intellectual exercises.

As Kuwait marks the one-year anniversary of Covid-19 lockdowns without any substantial economic stimulus or protection policies, the Kuwait Economic Society presents this much needed comprehensive public policy initiative to help resuscitate businesses battered by the pandemic, and the inaction by both executive and legislative branches of government. Read it here. 

Authored by 29 Kuwait University scholars, Before It’s Too Late sounds the alarm over the imbalances in Kuwait’s economy today and emphasizes that the status quo is not sustainable without sacrifices. The authors present the foundations that led to their conclusions and offer policy solutions for the way forward. They advocate for a comprehensive program that reforms Kuwait’s education system, fiscal structure, labor market, and economy structure. Read it here.

Investment consultant Ali Al Salim takes stock of Kuwait’s fiscal and economic issues, and proposes fresh solutions to Kuwait’s long-standing challenges. His proposals are unconventional to say the least but maybe that’s what the country needs. After all, wasn’t it Einstein who defined insanity as someone doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting different results? Open your mind and read Ali’s New Ideas for Kuwait. No harm can come from discussing new ideas. Read it here.

On May 12, 2020 Kuwait’s leading corporate and political communications firm Bensirri PR published the results of a survey that measured the impact of COVID-19 on Kuwaiti businesses. Read the results in this report here.